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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New Year's Resolutions: 2016

I can't believe 2015 is already over! It's difficult for me to put 2015 into words - it was a weird transition year. I graduated from college in 2014 so 2015 was my first full year out of college, I did not have a full year teaching position, I was still adjusting to balancing friendships and work life, and overall just trying to find my place. 2015 did bring me into this fabulous world of teacher bloggers and entrepreneurs which I am beyond thankful for! Overall I think 2015 was the year of laying the groundwork for an amazing 2016! There are many projects I've started and many goals I have begun working towards and I think I've done some great work to see those things really take off in 2016.

This brings me to this fabulous link-up hosted by Teach.Talk.Inspire and My Day in K. I cannot wait to share my 2016 resolutions with you so I can be held accountable. I would love for you to comment at the end with your own resolutions or link to your own blog post with your resolutions.

1. Find efficiency - I think efficient will be one of my big words in 2016. Like 90% of the world, I've got a lot going on in my life and it's been difficult for me to find the balance between everything. I want to spend 2016 finding ways to work more efficiently in order to maximize my time and allow more time for the amazing people in my life. Whether I need a new planner system, a different set-up for my room, an app to manage my time, or a clearer meal plan system, I'm all about finding ways to be the most productive person I can be this year.

2. Take care of myself - With the time issues I struggle with comes the lack of time that I spend on myself. I want to put forth more effort this year on working out at the gym more regularly, eating better foods (or eating not so great foods more in moderation), drinking more water, and taking time to reflect on a daily basis.

3. Stay in the moment - My mind is constantly going a million miles a minute. I find myself thinking about work and things to do all of the time. This year I want to be in the moment. If I am taking a dance class, nothing else matters besides that class and my movement. If I am with friends, my lesson planning or choreography can wait until later - no matter how great my idea might be. I want to enjoy the space I'm in and the people I'm with using more intention.

4. Connect more - In 2015, I've gotten lazy when it comes to text people back, emailing back in a timely manner, and making plans in general. It's time for that to be done! I want to make sure that I'm showing the people around me that they are important to me and that means dedicating the time to respond and make plans.

What resolutions have you made for the new year? Comment below or post a comment on my Instagram photo!

I'm guessing this will be my last post of the year but I have MANY preplanned posts for 2016! Follow me on Bloglovin' or Instagram (@teachdancedream) to stay connected!

Enjoy the rest of 2015!



  1. HA! We have two of the sample goals for this new year. Taking care of ourselves and being in the moment. I am glad to know that I am not the only one who struggles with these. Hoping 2016 is everything and more!

    1. Hahah! Of course they are the sample goals, but they are definitely good ones! I think everyone struggles with those whether they admit it or not. Thank you so much! I hope you have a fabulous year!

  2. Hi Allie, thanks for linking up with us. Like 2015 was a big year for me in that I started my blogging journey and connected with so many talented teachers. I am hoping like you to continue this journey and continue to connect and learn more as I go. Happy New Year! :)
