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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Currently - December Edition

Hello everyone!

Wow it has been awhile since I've blogged. Here's an update on what's been going on in my world.

Listening: Christmas music definitely takes over my music library during the holiday season. I love holiday music so much that I have 19.5 HOURS of Christmas music on my computer! Everything from Mariah Carey and Jessica Simpson, to 98 degrees and *NSYNC, to the classic singers like Julie Andrews and Burl Ives. I absolutely love it all!

Loving: The holiday season is by far my favorite time of year. Everything feels cozier and while it is freezing or snowing constantly in Minnesota, a warm blanket and fireplace makes it all better. Not to mention my obsession with hot chocolate escalates. Leading into the new year encourages me to spend time reflecting and reevaluating how I feel about all aspects of my life. I think taking time to reflect and appreciate is important. Somehow the craziness of this season helps me slow down a bit and do just that.

Thinking: Big ideas is for sure. Have you ever taken StrengthsFinder? If not I highly suggest it! One of my top 5 strengths is ideation. Boy is it in full effect right now! I've taken some time to look at the organizations I am involved in and the ways I can help push them into more successful and active directions. I cannot wait to share ideas with people in all of these groups. Now if only I had more ideas for products to really get hustling on my TPT store...

Wanting: I am trying my darnedest to get through "Move Your Bus" by Ron Clark for the THM chat this Friday on Blab at 9pm central. The book is excellent, but unfortunately at the end of these long days all I want is sleep. Tomorrow is my day to power through the rest of the book. Fingers crossed that I am able to finish it!

Needing: Part of the reason I haven't posted on here or Instagram (@teachdancedream) lately is feeling overwhelmed with all of the social media accounts I am supposed to be manning. I just haven't been getting posts up. I need to organize and plan where I am going with everything. I have an idea to help myself. If it works, my plan will be on the blog later this month. 

Real or Faux: Since I can remember, our tree has always been a fake tree. I would love to have a real tree at least once for the experience, but this year was not that year. 

I hope each of you can find the time to balance work, family, and all of the other hats you wear during this time of year!

Head over to Oh Boy Fourth Grade to link up with your own post. As always, I would love for you to follow me on Instagram or Bloglovin' for updates.



  1. What's Strength Finders exactly?

    I love the Christmas holidays as well. It's definitely the weather that gives it that cozier feel I think.

    Social media can be difficult to manage at times. I'm still trying to determine a set schedule for blogging. I try to do at least 3 posts a month and for Instagram about 2-3 times a week right now. You'll get back into the swing of things once you organize and plan everything.

    Good luck and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

  2. I love real trees and once I bought my own house a few years ago, I treated myself to a real one the next Christmas... unfortunately back to fake ones at the moment!

    Good luck with your social media, I try and prioritise and leave the rest to sort itself.

    Butterflying Through Teaching

  3. I felt overwhelmed with my many social media accounts as well: BLAB, Periscope, FB, IG, Twitter...You name it, I was on it. I decided to focus on Instagram. I noticed my FB page doesn't get a lot of visitors, and I am not paying to "boost" my posts. I would suggest just focusing on one or two social media platforms. I enjopyed Move Your Bus. I need to finish it though. It was a quick read. I read most of the book on a flight home.
