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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Currently - January 2016

Hi everyone!

I'm super excited to be writing my first blog post of 2016! Let me tell you, this year is going to be BIG! This year I have big plans for my blog, opening my TPT store, and I want to get more involved in other social media outlets (I'm looking at you, Periscope)! I've basically been spending my first weekend of 2016 getting my ducks in a row, but I'm hoping that working on organization right away will help with my 1 big word of the year! I am linking up with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for the 3rd time.

Fonts: Hello Fonts by Jen Jones

Listening - I know: new year, new everything, but I'm a little over the radio right now and am jamming out to the most random playlist of throwbacks that I could have thrown together! I love most genres of music so my playlists are always all over the place. What's your favorite throwback song?

Loving - Periscope has been blowing up today! I love that I have no school, no dance classes, and no crazy schedule so that I can watch everyone live. Replays are great, but it's much more fun being able to comment!

Thinking - I absolutely love the new year because of all the opportunities that it seems to bring. In fact I love the new year so much that I think there are many "new year" points during the year: January 1st, the end of the school year/my birthday, and the start of a new school year. I use all of those times as great opportunities to reevaluate my goals and visions. I'm ready to make 2016 my year!

Wanting - I've been super motivated to do a lot but still no motivation to go to the gym. I've at least been getting my 10,000 steps at home but I really want to go and use some equipment, especially since I've had a 2 week break from dance classes too. Hopefully the motivation will come around soon. 

Needing - Speaking of this break from dance, January is when I start teaching all of my recital dances to my kiddos for our spring recital in May. The first step in the process is to get the music cut so I can finally start choreographing. Garageband has been sitting on my computer like this for the past 3 hours. I really need to get started!

One little word - I talked about this in my resolutions blog post a bit. I think that I will not only accomplish more but also have more time to connect with the people in my life if I create more systems for efficiency. This may mean cleaning/reorganizing a room, trying a new planner system, or getting an app to help with time management. I took my first step in setting up a budget binder that has room for me to record all needed tax information so that my 2016 taxes will be super easy!

I would love to hear about the start of your year in the comments! What's your 1 word?

Happy New Year!



  1. Your throwback playlist is one of the greatest mixes I've seen! Love it :) Good luck with the opening of your TPT store. My goal this year is to kick mine into high gear!

    1. Thank You!!! I own a lot of music so I love making playlists! I wish you the best of luck in your store!

  2. Good luck with your goals and happy new year! My one little word is "ease."

    Years That Ask Questions

    1. Thank you!! Ease is a fabulous word for the new year! It makes me feel calmer!
