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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Quick and Simple System for Tracking Social Media Posts


A few months ago I wrote about struggling to consistently post on social media. I was overwhelmed, had no system to show what I was actually accomplishing, and needed a fix that I could squeeze into my day in just minutes! I knew that I did not want to add this tracking to my Life Planner by Erin Condren so I decided to use a Blooms Planner that I had at my house. While this is only my second month using this system, I absolutely LOVE it!

As a little background, I run social media accounts for Teach.Dance.Dream, my dance studio, my college graduating class, and I sometimes post for the dance company I'm involved in. I did not want my planner to be too word heavy but I wanted a way to streamline the way I could look at social media posts.

Side note: everything you see is my super quick, "no one else was going to see this" handwriting! My apologies for not actually making it pretty for the blog! :)

I first created this list of symbols that I would use in the monthly view of my planner. Each shape signifies a social media outlet and I make sure I use a letter to identify which account I am posting on.

At the beginning of the month, I write in specific posts I want to make in pencil. As I post during the month I will either trace the planned posts or write in unplanned posts in pen. On the monthly view I only use symbols and the letter for the account. This allows me to quickly scan at the end of each month to see where my strengths were in posting and which accounts I really need to start using more.

After I make the post I turn to that date and make a quick note about about the content given in that post. I can always go back and look then at how my post was received on that date. In that space I could also jot down likes/hearts, make a note if it was strong content, or anything else I find pertinent. So far I haven't made any of these types of notes, but just a thought for later!

Finally, at the beginning of each month I've been listing my follower numbers on each site so that I can see if my social media posts are actually impacting my reach or if I need to work more on a particular social media platform. At the end of the month I just write a quick +/- if I've gained or lost followers during the month.

Quick tips:
-Use pencil until you make the post. Life happens and I HATE needing to scribble out posts.
-Find symbols that work for you - mine make a lot of sense to me!
-Keep it simple. The reason I only use symbols is so I can see everything easily at the end of the month.

I hope you find this system easy and simple. It just takes a couple of minutes for me and has been so effective. If you have any questions feel free to email me at

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I plan to be back next weekend with my post on tracking health habits. Have a wonderful week!


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