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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Back to School Thoughts


Today I am linking up with The Primary Pack to let you know my thoughts on Back to School time! While this time of year means a lot of things, the number one thought I have during back to school time is NEW! New school supplies, new clothing, new faces, new students, new schedule, new experiences. I just love that even though it may happen like clockwork, the start of the school year adds in a nice twist to life. I have filled out the form below which tells you all of my thoughts on Back to School!

Reminds me of... When I think about back to school, my first thought is back to school shopping. Every year when I was young my mom would take my 2 younger siblings and myself to Target. I LOVED the stacks of new notebooks, pens, notecards, scissors, erasers (and I still do)! I loved the changes in grades when I could finally buy locker materials, or the big kid calculator. I was definitely the kid that bugged her mom to get to the store the second the school shopping list came in the mail!

Makes me want... School supplies make me super happy, but back to school also means chillier weather. This is the perfect time of year to stock up on leggings, boots, scarfs, new jeans and more! I'm a complete dress girl in the summer (it's a rarity for me to wear anything else!) so I tend to need to make wardrobe updates during this time of year. While I want summer to last longer, I definitely want to be prepared for the chilly, Minnesota sweater weather.

Drives me to... With my love of school supplies comes the need to be the thriftiest person ever. Yes I go to Office Depot & Staples weekly from the first week in August until the first week in September. Yes I buy things that I may not totally need. But if I'm already there and pencil eraser tops are 1 cent, you know they are in my basket. I typically try and spend just near the minimum to get the deals, but some weeks I get carried away. I continually tell myself that I'm saving myself money 7 months from now when school supplies are not on sale and I'm running low. My credit card will probably be put away until holiday shopping starts.

Makes me need... More sleep is a must this time of year. For some reason, not getting much sleep in the summer really doesn't hurt me too much. Even nannying during the day is manageable on a small amount of sleep. However teaching in a classroom is a whole new world. I am a night owl through and through so it takes awhile, but eventually the exhaustion will set in and I will start to fall asleep at a bit more reasonable hour.

Causes me to... So many changes this time of year. With the hours I spent looking at blogs, periscopes, TPT products, and more this summer, I have an endless amount of my ideas in my head. I tend to rethink the way I organize everything - both digitally and my paper files. I choose a system that will fit the way I plan on working for this school year.

Makes me think... There is so much potential in a new school year. My students and I are both renewed. I come into the classroom with new ideas and teaching methods. I see so much potential in all of my students and I cannot even predict how much they will learn academically, and how much growth they will have as a kind, caring citizen in my classroom and at home. 

I'm so glad I had the chance to share with all of you. If you would like to participate, link back to The Primary Pack and find the blank template. As well, I've finally set up my Bloglovin icon on the side of my page. Please follow me for new posts and updates!


1 comment:

  1. Hello Allie! Thanks so much for linking up to our linky! Your thoughts are so much in sync to what I'm thinking about going back! I especially love your comment about how much potential there is for a new school year. Love your optimism. Have a wonderful school year!
    Your friend,
    Creative Playground
